
PaperCut Essentials for Your Business (Part 2)

December 27, 2022

3 min read

PaperCut Blog 2 Image

Welcome to part 2 of our 3-part educational blog series on what PaperCut can do for you. In our first article, we discussed how PaperCut makes print easier for IT as an aspect that helps simplify your daily operations and streamline your paper workflow. PaperCut accomplishes this by unifying your print drivers into a single driver to install and manage. In this article, we’ll be talking about how PaperCut can help your business when it comes to print security.

Cyberattacks are an all too common threat to businesses in this digital age, and when it comes to working with documents and sensitive data, we must make sure we’re taking the proper steps to keep it all safe and secure. A Ponemon Institute study found two key pieces of information that we simply cannot ignore: One, 60% of global IT security professionals that participated in the study believed they’ve experienced a data breach involving a network-connected printer. Two, 62% of IT security professionals feel that they are NOT confident they can protect data from their respective printers.

This makes for a print management strategy that includes print security, and we’re here to let you know that PaperCut can do just that, and give your IT team the confidence they need to make sure your data remains confidential and protected.

What level of security does PaperCut offer?

Is PaperCut safe and secure, especially when it comes to information-sensitive documents?

The answer is yes.

Beyond convenience and accessibility, security is also one of the key focuses of PaperCut. If you have content to print that you don’t want anyone else to see, PaperCut helps protect you. The Follow-Me Print feature enables you to selectively release that document to a print or copier, and only while you’re at the said device. One of the coolest parts of the technology is that only you can release and provide permissions for that print job. Only users listed under the business get access to any of your printers, they will also need to prove who they are by using a company badge on the card readers installed on the devices or by using unique PIN codes.

Follow-Me Printing has been used in all sorts of industries that deal with sensitive information, from medical facilities, government agencies, and everything in-between. You have control within your network, with the security features that allow you to lock down the server sites, and encrypt the file when it’s in transit and waiting in the queue. It’s all in one-driver, all in one place for you to get your work documents out and easily work on print deployments in a safe and protected manner.

PaperCut is your traffic cop where you can create a queue for devices and publish said queue to all the users in its Active Directory, but making sure that the users are identified in the right printer before the document goes out at a particular time. It’s one less thing you have to worry about when it comes to policing who gets access to the documents, or a breach in the network printer. Your information is safe.

PaperCut helps you set up the security checkpoints, the card readers and software, so that way all you have to do is queue your files, and badge in.

Secure your Print with the Right Print Management Software

PaperCut helps you mitigate cybersecurity attacks and potential compromises with security features that control access to documents and sensitive information. Everything from the server access, the access of control for users, you have control over every parameter that the device has, and PaperCut helps you every step of the way for the most optimal outcome.

Thank you for checking out our second series on what PaperCut can do for you when it comes to securing your print work. Tune in to the next and final part of the series as we explore what PaperCut can do for you when it comes to cost recovery.

Written By: Editorial Team

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